Thursday, October 14, 2010

Quix fix to packaged brownies!

I know I haven't posted in a while.. Give me a break, it's been mid-term time and it's been crazy! When the semester comes rolling around it's hard for me to keep my head straight, and I have little time to cook.. When I do I usually forget to take a picture or think about it.

However, I thought you all might enjoy this. It's a quick fix to your packaged brownies. Cheesecake brownies! Yum.

Here's what you need:
1 Package of your favorite brownie mix, prepare like stated.
1 8 oz package of cream cheese
1 egg (in addition to whats needed for the brownies)
1lb (yes lb) of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

What to do:

Prepare your brownie mix as it states.
Butter/Pam/Crisco a baking dish
In a seperate bowl combine softened cream cheese, egg, powdered sugar and vanilla mix with your mixer.
Spread on top of brownies and bake! (as instructions state, may need an extra 5minutes or so for the cream cheese)

Now, wasn't that a quick fix for some spiced up brownies? Even a busy college student has time to whip these up! =)

I'm making my husband an Ice cream cake for his birthday so if all goes well, I'll post the recipe up for it as well!

-From Brook's Kitchen